花落春未盡.黑熊百合春帆樓M2301 The Lasting Spring.Black Bear, Lily and Shunpanro M2301, 2023
花落春未盡.雲豹與百合 M2301 The Lasting Spring, Clouded Leopard and Lily M2301, 2023
騎盤古大蟾蜍的風暴白武天 Stormtrooper Deva on Central Formosan Toad, 2022
原子小如來 貳 Astro Buddha II, 2022
花落春未盡.雲豹與百合M2203 The Lasting Spring, Clouded Leopard and Lily M2203, 2022
花落春未盡.藍腹鷴與百合L2201 The Lasting Spring, Swinhoe's Pheasant and Lily L2201, 2022
花落春未盡.烏鴉S2101 The Lasting Spring, Raven S2101, 2021
零的誕生 Birth of Zero, 2021
黯黑的放浪者.多指鞭冠鮟鱇S2103 Wanderers of the Abyssal Darkness, Football Fish S2103, 2021
花落春未盡.雲豹與百合M2003 The Lasting Spring, Clouded Leopard and Lily M2003, 2020
北方無量光的尤達佛 Amitabha Yoda of the North, 2020
奧茲珠鱗萌呆號♂ The Cutest Oz Pearlscale (Male), 2015
犀來順 Lucky Toto Hippo, 2015
除蓋障瘋癲二天王之本生傳 Jataka Tale of The Two Insane Dripa Namsal , 2011
兔大人-懷特先 Venerable Rabbit - Mr. White, 2011
追殺愛麗絲-紅心6 Kill Alice - 6 of Hearts, 2009
寶島花開L9601 Florissant Formosa L9601, 1996
熱蘭遮紀事L9202 Zealandia Memorandum L9202, 1992
圖像人物 I Iconic Figure I, 1986
夢遊仙境的愛麗絲浩克天王 Alice's Adventures in Wonderland -Alice Hulk Deva, 2010
奧茲的智仁勇菩薩之本生傳 Jataka Tale of Bodhisattva’ s Karma with Oz’ s Wisdom, Charity and Courage, 2011
奧茲闊嘴鰻王號 The Great Oz Swallowers, 2015
奧茲吉祥鮟鱇號 The Propitious Oz Anglerfish, 2014
奧茲大眼鯛 The Oz Bigeye, 2013
黯黑的放浪者.凹鰭冠帶魚與粉紅騎士L1904 Wanderers of the Abyssal Darkness.Crestfish and Pink Sea Cucumbers L1904, 2019
黯黑的放浪者‧多絲莖角鮟鱇S1801 Wanderers of the Abyssal Darkness.Hairy Angler S1801, 2018
黯黑的放浪者‧闊嘴鰻王號L1905 Wanderers of the Abyssal Darkness.The Great Swallowers L1905, 2019
黯黑的放浪者・長耆鮟鱇巴士 L1804 Wanderers of the Abyssal Darkness.The Hairy Anglerfish L1804, 2018